Category Archives: older adults

DON’T SHUN THE CANE! Cane Use Benefits Older Adults after Small Reduction in Visual Acuity

Dr. Massof’s Lecture – podcast

This link takes you to a fantastic and important lecture given by Dr. Robert Massof about a project that aims to increase the use of the long cane among older adults with visual impairments. He also reveals how Medicare is “blind” to those with low vision in their policy decisions.

Within this lecture Dr. Massof provides important statistics. For example, even a small decrease in visual acuity (VA) triples the rate of injury and death by trauma/accident in older adults.

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Let congress know put VRPs in healthcare bill

We can all keep the pressure up about the health care bill- there is Click to go to the Lighthouse International Advocacy Site

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Love this Dog Guide using, Senior Adult Couple!

This is great advertising for how seniors love gaining these essential skills! But you definitely need a qualified O&M Specialist to get these results!!

Noncorrectable vision problems associated with shorter lifespan in older adults

This link discusses the article from the Archives of Ophthalmology that shows that walking and a vision impairment in older adults increases risk. But, does not complete the thought and suggest that older adults can be spared these risks if they were to obtain a cane and O&M instruction.

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