Category Archives: lifespan

The risks associated with vision loss in adulthood have long been known

Mobility is also usually affected by visual impairment in late adulthood. There is a strong relationship between impaired vision and increased risk of accidents, particularly falls (Evans & Rowlands, 2004; Horowitz & Reinhardt, 2000). In a study of the community-travel habits and perceptions of a sample of 32 visually impaired elderly people and their sighted peers, Long and colleagues (1996) reported infrequent independent travel in the community among those with vision loss. In addition, the vast majority of these respondents with visual impairment (75 percent) were relatively dissatisfied with their ability to travel independently and with the number of opportunities they had to leave their homes in comparison with their sighted peers.

Noncorrectable vision problems associated with shorter lifespan in older adults

This link discusses the article from the Archives of Ophthalmology that shows that walking and a vision impairment in older adults increases risk. But, does not complete the thought and suggest that older adults can be spared these risks if they were to obtain a cane and O&M instruction.

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