Category Archives: legislation


Please Move A.3597 TODAY! ONLY with the passage of A.3597 Licensure for O&M Specialists and VRTs NYS CAN New York  State BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH Federal education law – IDEA. Only with the passage of A.3597 can New Yorkers with … Continue reading


John Kelly Letter to his Assembly Member Skoufis

John Kelly Letter to his Assembly Member Skoufis

Kelly details the difficulties he has had in providing IDEA mandated O&M Services to preschoolers.


AVRE Explains Need for VRT Licensure to Enable Preschool Access to VRT

AVRE Explains Need for VRT Licensure to Allow Preschool Acesshanye page 2

Bob Hanye, President/CEO of AVRE letter in support of licensure to ensure access to VRT and O&M services for Preschool Children with visual impairments


Catch 22: How New York State May Be Out of Compliance with IDEA


Update on the NYSAER Conference – One Day- 9.5 CEs – April 22, 2013 in Albany

Update on the NYSAER Conference

Dr. Karen Gourgey is the Keynote Speaker.
Approximately 70 people have signed up to attend the one-day conference.

12 vendors and a poster session, Awards ceremony at Lunch.

Door prizes and the silent auction.

Albany Ramada Plaza Reservations 518-438-8431

For Payment and Registration information contact:
Dan McLaughlin
P.O. Box 663 Auburn
New York 13021
Ph: 315-253-3322

Man of the Hour – Assembly Member Jonathan Bing

Assembly Sponsor VRT/O&M Licensure Jonathan L. Bing

I need us all to take a minute to thank Jonathan L. Bing (D, Manhattan) Assembly Sponsor for the bill to license VRTs and O&M specialists. Assembly Member Bing is our hero, he worked tirelessly this week to keep the bill from being held. His reputation is the best calling card for others in the State Assembly. When they hear Bing is the bill sponsor -they sign on in support.

Please contact Assembly Member Bing’s office and tell him thank you and to keep up the good fight.

District Office                    Albany Office
360 E. 57th Street           LOB 744
Mezzanine Level             Albany, NY 12248
New York, NY 10022    518-455-4794

NYVRA Gazette – Issue 1 of 1

My one and only newsletter – in memory of my mom, Moira Ambrose, who did so much for NY Vision Rehabilitation Professional licensure effort. I wish I could have done more while she was alive. She was more than just the widow of Stephen Ambrose – she was a very smart, insightful woman. I miss her so. Today is her 71st birthday.

NYVRA Gazette

Let congress know put VRPs in healthcare bill

We can all keep the pressure up about the health care bill- there is Click to go to the Lighthouse International Advocacy Site

Continue reading

Let Congress know!

Support this bill!

The risks associated with vision loss in adulthood have long been known

Mobility is also usually affected by visual impairment in late adulthood. There is a strong relationship between impaired vision and increased risk of accidents, particularly falls (Evans & Rowlands, 2004; Horowitz & Reinhardt, 2000). In a study of the community-travel habits and perceptions of a sample of 32 visually impaired elderly people and their sighted peers, Long and colleagues (1996) reported infrequent independent travel in the community among those with vision loss. In addition, the vast majority of these respondents with visual impairment (75 percent) were relatively dissatisfied with their ability to travel independently and with the number of opportunities they had to leave their homes in comparison with their sighted peers.