Other Youtube Videos that Show that Toddlers and Preschoolers are Too Young for Canes

Youtube video showing:

Cute baby not using the cane correctly.

The cane is being used for balance – not the purpose of a long cane. The cane is not being used as a probe.

The words hold your cane “in front” – “swing your cane” are not being followed, because that is too high cognitively. It is age-appropriate that she doesn’t understand these prompts.

Once again – please let toddlers walk with an AMD and interact with their environment – not all that constant “cane chatter” getting in the way.

Preschooler Not Using Cane as Probe

You see clearly that this toddler is walking outside on a sidewalk, the cane is not in front, it is between his legs, he runs faster than he can keep the cane in front of his body – and so it is not providing him any measure of protection. It is a false sense of security. Give him an AMD and let him run.

Another Toddler Not Walking Safely Because Cane Held to Side of Body

That toddler is adorable, bright, getting around and learning about the world. I bet Sean is doing well these days! But the video shows that his cane is not keeping him safe from drop offs or objects because he holds it to one side.

An AMD would have allowed safe, protected interactive movement through the environment. But, it is clear Sean is a champ and his parents are doing great things with him!

Preschooler on Escalator with a Cane

Cute, but she is not using her cane – yet another example that a preshooler needs an AMD when traveling. Otherwise, she is doing fantastic!!! Way to go!!!

Preschooler in hall “side to side”

Why waste this little guy’s time? “side to side” is too high of an abstract concept for this little one to comprehend. Let im have an AMD and explore his space. Love he movement, but the cane is not providing protection.

Same preschooler outside – still constant prompts

I wish the O&Mer valued the real environment over the “skill” environment.

Same preschooler outside – constant prompts

What is wrong with picking up the cane and whipping it around? What else could you be doing with this student?

What is the Purpose of This Lesson?

What do you do with a toddler? How do you teach a toddler? This toddler is holding on to this cane – that is a plus – but, an AMD would give a “bigger drop” for the toddler to notice. It would drop off to one side- more sensation – to inform the hands and the feet: The hands say “Hey, when I turn this way and down – you’re one step from falling off” Feet say, “When you hands signal – I should stop”

This is a toddler – think toddler – be toddler – stop trying to hurry development. Embrace development-

What is good- toddler is out, moving, exploring – age-appropriate travel- beautiful walking and exploring!

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