Austin, Texas – Still a Lucky Place to be Blind!

I used to live, study and work O&M in Austin, Texas. When I was there- it was the O&M hey day- 3 Universities provided O&M prep – 1 undergraduate program (Stephen F. Austin O&M Program (in Texas)) and 2 graduate – UT  Austin  (my alma mater-no longer has O&M program) and Texas Tech (Texas Tech O&M Program) trained O&M Specialists. While I found no articles on Orientation and Mobility in the Washington Post this morning- look what  great articles I found in the Austin Statesman.

Up and down escalators with a daughter with special needs

=Monday, April 06, 2009 

Go to the Article

The Lowdown on Low Vision

 Go to the Article

3 responses to “Austin, Texas – Still a Lucky Place to be Blind!

  1. I don’t want to hear how great Austin is. My hubby wants to move there. lol!

    It is still on our list as possibilities, despite my misgivings of living in Texas. My daughter is deaf-blind and I’ve heard the Texas School for the Blind has a great program.

    • I must admit that when I lived in Austin, TX – 1990-1992 – it was still a “little town” by comparison. I have not been back to see it since the silicon industry boom. It is true that TSBVI is a great resource – the tradition of providing quality services to children with sensory impairments is very strong. I’m sure you’ve visited the webpage. It is chock full of resources they created on campus. I understand for sure – my husband wants to move south – Florida- but I love where we live!

  2. all I hear about Austin TX that it is a real nice place to live and bring up kids.
    I know that the city had grown with all the high-tech boom, I know that where there is a high tech boom there are many other good things…..
    get it G.

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